Winter Painting

Sending Smoke Signals

Sending Smoke Signals

Sending Smoke Signals,MI000067,Mixed Media,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings. ,Natasha Miller,24 x 12,24in x 12,24 x 12in,24in x 12in,24 in x 12,24 x 12 in,24 in x 12 in,24 inches x 12,24 x 12 inches,24 inches x 12 inches,24″ x 12,24 x 12″,24″ x 12″,24×12,24×12 in,24×12 inches,24×12″,24 by 12,24in by 12,24 by […]

The Chalet Stay

The Chalet Stay

The Chalet Stay,MI000063,Mixed Media,Landscape,Please contact us for more information and private/virtual viewing. ,Natasha Miller,24 x 12,24in x 12,24 x 12in,24in x 12in,24 in x 12,24 x 12 in,24 in x 12 in,24 inches x 12,24 x 12 inches,24 inches x 12 inches,24″ x 12,24 x 12″,24″ x 12″,24×12,24×12 in,24×12 inches,24×12″,24 by 12,24in by 12,24 by […]

Endless Days

Endless Days

Endless Days,MI000060,Mixed Media,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar works of art. ,Natasha Miller,24 x 18,24in x 18,24 x 18in,24in x 18in,24 in x 18,24 x 18 in,24 in x 18 in,24 inches x 18,24 x 18 inches,24 inches x 18 inches,24″ x 18,24 x 18″,24″ x 18″,24×18,24×18 in,24×18 inches,24×18″,24 by 18,24in by 18,24 […]

Snowy Days

Snowy Days

Snowy Days,MI000057,Mixed Media,Landscape ,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings. ,Natasha Miller,36 x 24,36in x 24,36 x 24in,36in x 24in,36 in x 24,36 x 24 in,36 in x 24 in,36 inches x 24,36 x 24 inches,36 inches x 24 inches,36″ x 24,36 x 24″,36″ x 24″,36×24,36×24 in,36×24 inches,36×24″,36 by 24,36in by 24,36 by […]

Panoramic View

Panoramic View

Panoramic View,LA000076,Encaustic,Landscape ,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Lee Anne La Forge,16 x 20,16in x 20,16 x 20in,16in x 20in,16 in x 20,16 x 20 in,16 in x 20 in,16 inches x 20,16 x 20 inches,16 inches x 20 inches,16″ x 20,16 x 20″,16″ x 20″,16×20,16×20 in,16×20 […]

On the Lift

On the Lift

On the Lift,LA000075,Encaustic,Figurative,Original encaustic ski painting by Lee Anne LaForge generously donated to the 2023 UNICEF Water for Life Gala in Calgary. ,Lee Anne La Forge,16 x 20,16in x 20,16 x 20in,16in x 20in,16 in x 20,16 x 20 in,16 in x 20 in,16 inches x 20,16 x 20 inches,16 inches x 20 inches,16″ x […]

Deep Powder 2

Deep Powder 2

Deep Powder 2,LA000074,Encaustic,Figurative,Lee Anne La Forge,24 x 12,24in x 12,24 x 12in,24in x 12in,24 in x 12,24 x 12 in,24 in x 12 in,24 inches x 12,24 x 12 inches,24 inches x 12 inches,24″ x 12,24 x 12″,24″ x 12″,24×12,24×12 in,24×12 inches,24×12″,24 by 12,24in by 12,24 by 12in,24in by 12in,24 in by 12,24 by 12 […]

Deep Powder

Deep Powder

Deep Powder,LA000073,Encaustic,Figurative,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Lee Anne La Forge,24 x 12,24in x 12,24 x 12in,24in x 12in,24 in x 12,24 x 12 in,24 in x 12 in,24 inches x 12,24 x 12 inches,24 inches x 12 inches,24″ x 12,24 x 12″,24″ x 12″,24×12,24×12 in,24×12 inches,24×12″,24 […]

Back Country

Back Country

Back Country,LA000072,Encaustic,Figurative,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Lee Anne La Forge,16 x 20,16in x 20,16 x 20in,16in x 20in,16 in x 20,16 x 20 in,16 in x 20 in,16 inches x 20,16 x 20 inches,16 inches x 20 inches,16″ x 20,16 x 20″,16″ x 20″,16×20,16×20 in,16×20 inches,16×20″,16 […]

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