


Esprit,BO000002,Mixed Media,People,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Marie-France Boisvert,40 x 40,40in x 40,40 x 40in,40in x 40in,40 in x 40,40 x 40 in,40 in x 40 in,40 inches x 40,40 x 40 inches,40 inches x 40 inches,40″ x 40,40 x 40″,40″ x 40″,40×40,40×40 in,40×40 inches,40×40″,40 by 40,40in […]

Wilma (#40 of 50)

Wilma (#40 of 50)

Wilma (#40 of 50),BE000027,Mixed Media,People,#40 of 50 Limited Edition, handmade and hand painted, 3 dimensional polyurethane sculptures.,Andrew Benyei

Mike (#47 of 50)

Mike (#47 of 50)

Mike (#47 of 50),BE000025,Mixed Media,People,#47 of 50 Limited Edition, handmade and hand painted, 3 dimensional polyurethane sculptures.,Andrew Benyei

Jennifer (#12 of 50)

Jennifer (#12 of 50)

Jennifer (#12 of 50),BE000028,Mixed Media,People,#12 of 50 Limited Edition, handmade and hand painted, 3 dimensional polyurethane sculptures.,Andrew Benyei

George (#35 of 50)

George (#35 of 50)

George (#35 of 50),BE000026,Mixed Media,People,#35 of 50 Limited Edition, handmade and hand painted, 3 dimensional polyurethane sculptures.,Andrew Benyei

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