
Ski West

Ski West

Ski West,LA000079,Encaustic,Figurative,Lee Anne La Forge,24 x 12,24in x 12,24 x 12in,24in x 12in,24 in x 12,24 x 12 in,24 in x 12 in,24 inches x 12,24 x 12 inches,24 inches x 12 inches,24″ x 12,24 x 12″,24″ x 12″,24×12,24×12 in,24×12 inches,24×12″,24 by 12,24in by 12,24 by 12in,24in by 12in,24 in by 12,24 by 12 in,24 […]

Rise + Shine

Rise + Shine

Rise + Shine,KI0000159,Oil on Canvas,Landscape ,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Kimberly Kiel,60 x 30,60in x 30,60 x 30in,60in x 30in,60 in x 30,60 x 30 in,60 in x 30 in,60 inches x 30,60 x 30 inches,60 inches x 30 inches,60″ x 30,60 x 30″,60″ x 30″,60×30,60×30 […]

Side Effects

Side Effects

Side Effects by Kimberly Kiel,KI000138,Oil on Canvas,Landscape ,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Kimberly Kiel,60 x 30,60in x 30,60 x 30in,60in x 30in,60 in x 30,60 x 30 in,60 in x 30 in,60 inches x 30,60 x 30 inches,60 inches x 30 inches,60″ x 30,60 x 30″,60″ […]

Rocheuses 1019

Rocheuses 1019

Rocheuses 1019,RI000007,Acrylic on Canvas,Landscape,Stéphanie Rivet,40 x 40,40in x 40,40 x 40in,40in x 40in,40 in x 40,40 x 40 in,40 in x 40 in,40 inches x 40,40 x 40 inches,40 inches x 40 inches,40″ x 40,40 x 40″,40″ x 40″,40×40,40×40 in,40×40 inches,40×40″,40 by 40,40in by 40,40 by 40in,40in by 40in,40 in by 40,40 by 40 in,40 […]

Journey’s Beginning

Journey’s Beginning

Journey’s Beginning,GE000059,Acrylic on Canvas,Still Life,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Connie Geerts,30 x 24,30in x 24,30 x 24in,30in x 24in,30 in x 24,30 x 24 in,30 in x 24 in,30 inches x 24,30 x 24 inches,30 inches x 24 inches,30″ x 24,30 x 24″,30″ x 24″,30×24,30×24 in,30×24 […]

Hitting the Slopes 2

Hitting the Slopes 2

Hitting the Slopes 2 ,LA000061,Encaustic,Figurative ,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Lee Anne La Forge,24 x 12,24in x 12,24 x 12in,24in x 12in,24 in x 12,24 x 12 in,24 in x 12 in,24 inches x 12,24 x 12 inches,24 inches x 12 inches,24″ x 12,24 x 12″,24″ […]

4:30 AM

4:30 AM

4:30 AM,KI000104,Oil on Canvas,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar pieces and commissioned works of art. ,Kimberly Kiel,60 x 24,60in x 24,60 x 24in,60in x 24in,60 in x 24,60 x 24 in,60 in x 24 in,60 inches x 24,60 x 24 inches,60 inches x 24 inches,60″ x 24,60 x 24″,60″ x 24″,60×24,60×24 in,60×24 inches,60×24″,60 […]

Mountain Glow

Mountain Glow

Mountain Glow,ZI000042,Mixed Media,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar pieces and commissioned works of art. ,David Zimmerman,13 x 60,13in x 60,13 x 60in,13in x 60in,13 in x 60,13 x 60 in,13 in x 60 in,13 inches x 60,13 x 60 inches,13 inches x 60 inches,13″ x 60,13 x 60″,13″ x 60″,13×60,13×60 in,13×60 inches,13×60″,13 by […]

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