
Reflecting Light on the Shoreline

Reflecting Light on the Shoreline

Reflecting Light on the Shoreline,KU000009,Acrylic on Board,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Sandy Kunze,40 x 46,40in x 46,40 x 46in,40in x 46in,40 in x 46,40 x 46 in,40 in x 46 in,40 inches x 46,40 x 46 inches,40 inches x 46 inches,40″ x 46,40 x 46″,40″ x […]

Enjoy the Catch

Enjoy the Catch

Enjoy the Catch,ZI000046,Mixed Media,Wildlife ,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,David Zimmerman,49 x 60,49in x 60,49 x 60in,49in x 60in,49 in x 60,49 x 60 in,49 in x 60 in,49 inches x 60,49 x 60 inches,49 inches x 60 inches,49″ x 60,49 x 60″,49″ x 60″,49×60,49×60 in,49×60 […]

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