colorful painting

Viser le bonheur

Viser le bonheur

Viser le bonheur,GI000058,Mixed Media,Abstract,”Aim for Happiness”,Mélanie Giguère,12 x 48,12in x 48,12 x 48in,12in x 48in,12 in x 48,12 x 48 in,12 in x 48 in,12 inches x 48,12 x 48 inches,12 inches x 48 inches,12″ x 48,12 x 48″,12″ x 48″,12×48,12×48 in,12×48 inches,12×48″,12 by 48,12in by 48,12 by 48in,12in by 48in,12 in by 48,12 by […]

Terre des hommes

Terre des hommes

Terre des hommes,GI000057,Mixed Media,Abstract,”Land of Men”. Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Mélanie Giguère,40 x 40,40in x 40,40 x 40in,40in x 40in,40 in x 40,40 x 40 in,40 in x 40 in,40 inches x 40,40 x 40 inches,40 inches x 40 inches,40″ x 40,40 x 40″,40″ x […]

Sourire à la vie

Sourire à la vie

Sourire à la vie,GI000056,Mixed Media,Abstract,”Smile at Life”. Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Mélanie Giguère,48 x 36,48in x 36,48 x 36in,48in x 36in,48 in x 36,48 x 36 in,48 in x 36 in,48 inches x 36,48 x 36 inches,48 inches x 36 inches,48″ x 36,48 x 36″,48″ […]

Ces moments qui nous sont chers

Ces moments qui nous sont chers

Ces moments qui nous sont chers,GI000053,Mixed Media,Abstract,”Those Moments that are Dear”. Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Mélanie Giguère,24 x 60,24in x 60,24 x 60in,24in x 60in,24 in x 60,24 x 60 in,24 in x 60 in,24 inches x 60,24 x 60 inches,24 inches x 60 inches,24″ […]

Blue Valley

Blue Valley

Blue Valley,GI000052,Mixed Media,Abstract,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Mélanie Giguère,36 x 48,36in x 48,36 x 48in,36in x 48in,36 in x 48,36 x 48 in,36 in x 48 in,36 inches x 48,36 x 48 inches,36 inches x 48 inches,36″ x 48,36 x 48″,36″ x 48″,36×48,36×48 in,36×48 inches,36×48″,36 by […]

Ombak #12

Ombak #12

Ombak #12,HOD000004,Mixed Media,Abstract ,Please contact us for more information on similar works of art. ,Jay Hodgins,30 x 30,30in x 30,30 x 30in,30in x 30in,30 in x 30,30 x 30 in,30 in x 30 in,30 inches x 30,30 x 30 inches,30 inches x 30 inches,30″ x 30,30 x 30″,30″ x 30″,30×30,30×30 in,30×30 inches,30×30″,30 by 30,30in by […]

Ganas #19

Ganas #19

Ganas #19,HOD000003,Mixed Media,Abstract ,Please contact us for more information on similar works of art. ,Jay Hodgins,30 x 30,30in x 30,30 x 30in,30in x 30in,30 in x 30,30 x 30 in,30 in x 30 in,30 inches x 30,30 x 30 inches,30 inches x 30 inches,30″ x 30,30 x 30″,30″ x 30″,30×30,30×30 in,30×30 inches,30×30″,30 by 30,30in by […]

Ganas #18

Ganas #18

Ganas #18,HOD000002,Mixed Media,Abstract ,Please contact us for more information on similar works of art. ,Jay Hodgins,30 x 30,30in x 30,30 x 30in,30in x 30in,30 in x 30,30 x 30 in,30 in x 30 in,30 inches x 30,30 x 30 inches,30 inches x 30 inches,30″ x 30,30 x 30″,30″ x 30″,30×30,30×30 in,30×30 inches,30×30″,30 by 30,30in by […]

Ganas #14

Ganas #14

Ganas #14,HOD000001,Mixed Media,Abstract ,Please contact us for more information on similar works of art. ,Jay Hodgins,30 x 30,30in x 30,30 x 30in,30in x 30in,30 in x 30,30 x 30 in,30 in x 30 in,30 inches x 30,30 x 30 inches,30 inches x 30 inches,30″ x 30,30 x 30″,30″ x 30″,30×30,30×30 in,30×30 inches,30×30″,30 by 30,30in by […]

Notre histoire d’amour

Notre histoire d’amour

Notre histoire d’amour,GI000051,Mixed Media,Abstract ,”Our Love Story” Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Mélanie Giguère,12 x 60,12in x 60,12 x 60in,12in x 60in,12 in x 60,12 x 60 in,12 in x 60 in,12 inches x 60,12 x 60 inches,12 inches x 60 inches,12″ x 60,12 x 60″,12″ […]

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