calm and colorful painting

La douceur du temps

La douceur du temps

La douceur du temps,LES000035,Mixed Media,Still Life ,”The Sweetness of Time”. Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Sylvain Leblanc,60 x 24,60in x 24,60 x 24in,60in x 24in,60 in x 24,60 x 24 in,60 in x 24 in,60 inches x 24,60 x 24 inches,60 inches x 24 inches,60″ x […]

À la lueur des montagnes

À la lueur des montagnes

À la lueur des montagnes,LES000030,Mixed Media,Still Life ,”In the Light of the Mountains” Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Sylvain Leblanc,72 x 30,72in x 30,72 x 30in,72in x 30in,72 in x 30,72 x 30 in,72 in x 30 in,72 inches x 30,72 x 30 inches,72 inches x […]

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