blue painting

Blue and the Silent Seas

Blue and the Silent Seas

Blue and the Silent Seas,BA000012,Mixed Media,Abstract,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Karen Bagayawa,24 x 36,24in x 36,24 x 36in,24in x 36in,24 in x 36,24 x 36 in,24 in x 36 in,24 inches x 36,24 x 36 inches,24 inches x 36 inches,24″ x 36,24 x 36″,24″ x 36″,24×36,24×36 […]

Tous ces Plaisirs

Tous ces Plaisirs

Tous ces Plaisirs,GI000042,Mixed Media,Abstract,Please contact us for more information, private/virtual viewing, and world-wide shipping options. ,Mélanie Giguère,30 x 40,30in x 40,30 x 40in,30in x 40in,30 in x 40,30 x 40 in,30 in x 40 in,30 inches x 40,30 x 40 inches,30 inches x 40 inches,30″ x 40,30 x 40″,30″ x 40″,30×40,30×40 in,30×40 inches,30×40″,30 by 40,30in […]



Plénitude,GI000041,Mixed Media,Abstract,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Mélanie Giguère,40 x 40,40in x 40,40 x 40in,40in x 40in,40 in x 40,40 x 40 in,40 in x 40 in,40 inches x 40,40 x 40 inches,40 inches x 40 inches,40″ x 40,40 x 40″,40″ x 40″,40×40,40×40 in,40×40 inches,40×40″,40 by 40,40in […]

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