abstract landscape

Keeping You Close

Keeping You Close

Keeping You Close,SA000008,Acrylic on Canvas,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Gina Sarro,60 x 36,60in x 36,60 x 36in,60in x 36in,60 in x 36,60 x 36 in,60 in x 36 in,60 inches x 36,60 x 36 inches,60 inches x 36 inches,60″ x 36,60 x 36″,60″ x 36″,60×36,60×36 in,60×36 […]

From What I Remember

From What I Remember

From What I Remember,SA000006,Acrylic on Canvas,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Gina Sarro,48 x 24,48in x 24,48 x 24in,48in x 24in,48 in x 24,48 x 24 in,48 in x 24 in,48 inches x 24,48 x 24 inches,48 inches x 24 inches,48″ x 24,48 x 24″,48″ x 24″,48×24,48×24 […]



Stillness,SA000005,Acrylic on Panel,Landscape, Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Gina Sarro,24 x 24,24in x 24,24 x 24in,24in x 24in,24 in x 24,24 x 24 in,24 in x 24 in,24 inches x 24,24 x 24 inches,24 inches x 24 inches,24″ x 24,24 x 24″,24″ x 24″,24×24,24×24 in,24×24 inches,24×24″,24 […]

Shared Memories

Shared Memories

Shared Memories,SA000004,Acrylic on Panel,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Gina Sarro,36 x 36,36in x 36,36 x 36in,36in x 36in,36 in x 36,36 x 36 in,36 in x 36 in,36 inches x 36,36 x 36 inches,36 inches x 36 inches,36″ x 36,36 x 36″,36″ x 36″,36×36,36×36 in,36×36 inches,36×36″,36 […]

Quiet of Winter

Quiet of Winter

Quiet of Winter,SA000003,Acrylic on Canvas,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Gina Sarro,36 x 12,36in x 12,36 x 12in,36in x 12in,36 in x 12,36 x 12 in,36 in x 12 in,36 inches x 12,36 x 12 inches,36 inches x 12 inches,36″ x 12,36 x 12″,36″ x 12″,36×12,36×12 in,36×12 […]



Persistence,SA000009,Acrylic on Canvas,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Gina Sarro,24 x 24,24in x 24,24 x 24in,24in x 24in,24 in x 24,24 x 24 in,24 in x 24 in,24 inches x 24,24 x 24 inches,24 inches x 24 inches,24″ x 24,24 x 24″,24″ x 24″,24×24,24×24 in,24×24 inches,24×24″,24 by […]

Moments We Share Together

Moments We Share Together

Moments We Share Together,SA000007,Acrylic on Canvas,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Gina Sarro,60 x 36,60in x 36,60 x 36in,60in x 36in,60 in x 36,60 x 36 in,60 in x 36 in,60 inches x 36,60 x 36 inches,60 inches x 36 inches,60″ x 36,60 x 36″,60″ x 36″,60×36,60×36 […]



Believing,SA000002,Acrylic on Panel,Landscape, Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Gina Sarro,48 x 48,48in x 48,48 x 48in,48in x 48in,48 in x 48,48 x 48 in,48 in x 48 in,48 inches x 48,48 x 48 inches,48 inches x 48 inches,48″ x 48,48 x 48″,48″ x 48″,48×48,48×48 in,48×48 inches,48×48″,48 […]

Autumn Transition

Autumn Transition

Autumn Transition,SA000001,Acrylic on Canvas,Landscape,Please contact us for more information on similar paintings and commissioned works of art. ,Gina Sarro,36 x 12,36in x 12,36 x 12in,36in x 12in,36 in x 12,36 x 12 in,36 in x 12 in,36 inches x 12,36 x 12 inches,36 inches x 12 inches,36″ x 12,36 x 12″,36″ x 12″,36×12,36×12 in,36×12 inches,36×12″,36 […]

Rocky Mountain Cairn 51

Rocky Mountain Cairn 51

Rocky Mountain Cairn 51,CU000154,Cast Glass,Sculpture,Donated to the 2021 Wings Over the Rockies auction. Please contact us former information and custom glass art possibilities. ,Heather Cuell,4 x 4,4in x 4,4 x 4in,4in x 4in,4 in x 4,4 x 4 in,4 in x 4 in,4 inches x 4,4 x 4 inches,4 inches x 4 inches,4″ x 4,4 […]

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